Essential Resources for Community Empowerment

Our Core Values
The following 4 values are often associated with education and since we also believe in their attributes and some of us grew up with these in their own schools, we feel that we should adopt them and make them a core for our organization.

Respect: It’s all about a 360-degree respect approach. Respect for people, respect for their time, respect for ideas, respect for opinions, respect for processes, respect for clients and respect for all. This respect accumulation will bring, in consequence, the most important one: respect for anything you, your team and company deliver. – David Mahbub,Field Agent
Care:Teaching with Understanding and Compassion and living by those rules is the fastest way to ensure a happy and cohesive work and educational environment.

Integrity: Do what you say you’re going to do. This is much easier said than done, but without integrity, there can be no real trust and without trust, you can’t have a real team with lasting cohesion. Managing your commitments and follow-through is something every organization and every team member can practice and benefit from. Set it up as a cultural norm now by setting a clear example. – Kit Merker,Nobl9
We also decided to include Transparency and Innovation as values which are fundamental to maintaining trust, developing growth and ultimately sustaining our projects in the long run.
Transparency: Being transparent in our day to day work will allow us to be more courageous in confronting colleagues and classmates, permitting us great personal growth, strengthening our self confidence and learning from our mistakes which in turn ensures organizational accountability which allows our partners and donors to maintain their confidence in us. Team cohesion will benefit tremendously from open and transparent communication.

As we prefer to think in Regenerative terms rather than limiting the thought to Sustainability, which in some form entails a sense of accomplishment when covering ordinary operations, we believe that Innovationis of underlying pre-requisite to achieve growth and holistic sustainable development.
Innovation: Without it there cannot be growth and best practice. We are therefore committed to find innovative ways to manage workflows and developments which focus on regenerative practices, self improvement and fair trade.

Leisure: Leisure is very important in indigenous San culture. Large amounts of time used to be and is spent in conversation, joking, music, and sacred dances. For us leisure and rest also play important roles in consolidating the knowledge learned through education. Finally through dance, music and storytelling, it allows us to maintain cultural traditions alive.

The above-mentioned values are core elements which we seek daily in the classrooms and other aspects of the organization as well as external cooperation agreements. We must teach, work and defend these values.